High Deductible Health Plan

从2025年开始,十大彩票网投平台将提供高免赔额健康保险 Plan (HDHP) to our medical plan options! Three medical plans will be offered, USA Consumer HDHP, USA Choice Plan and USA Select Plan!


Webinar hosted by HealthEquity and TIAA
Wednesday, October 16, 2024  - 10:00 a.m. CDT

Take control of your health and grow your money. In just 30 minutes, you'll discover 如何使用健康储蓄帐户(HSA)来节省医疗保费和建立 long-term health savings. 

How to maximize the triple-tax advantage,
Ways to contribute with confidence,
Qualified medical expenses an HSA covers,
The TIAA investment connection,

注册链接:  http://event.on24.com/wcc/r/4669093/A1C97766ED79CE3BF874E4B7E420F1FE 



▼   What is a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP)?

HDHP是一种医疗保险计划,提供较低的保费和较高的免赔额 与美国选择计划和美国选择计划相比.

有了HDHP,你将从你的工资中支付更少的保险费 每月,但你将支付更多,直到你达到你接受医疗时的免赔额 护理.

You will have to meet a higher deductible before your insurance begins to pay; this applies to prescription drugs as well.

▼   Is the USA Consumer Plan (HDHP) right for you?

Is the USA Consumer Plan (HDHP) right for you?

参加美国消费者计划(HDHP)提供较低的保费和能力 use pre-tax dollars for out-of-pocket expenses. However, these benefits come with 权衡:更高的免赔额和增加的自付费用. 而hdhp是 虽然越来越受欢迎,但它们可能不是每个人的最佳选择. 如果你在考虑 美国消费者计划(HDHP)请记住这些提示,以帮助您和您的家人 明智的决定.

这里有一些具体的建议,可以帮助你做出明智的入学决定 in the USA Consumer Plan (HDHP):

  1. Assess Your Health Needs: 考虑一下你和你的家人需要医疗护理的频率. If you rarely visit the 医生,美国消费者计划(HDHP)可以节省你的钱,因为它的保费较低.
  2. Evaluate Financial Readiness: 确保你能负担得起更高的免赔额和自付费用. 这是至关重要的 如果需要的话,要有足够的积蓄来支付这些费用.
  3. Utilize the HSA spending account: 如果你参加了美国消费者计划(HDHP),你可以开一个HSA来节省税前费用 dollars for medical expenses. 这可以帮助抵消更高的自付费用. 如果你只参加雇员保险,美国将支付200美元,如果是400美元 你在HSA的家庭保险中登记,从1月1日开始, 2025.
  4. 比较总成本: Look beyond the premiums. 计算总潜在成本,包括免赔额, 共同支付和自付最高限额,看看美国消费者计划(HDHP)是否真实 cost-effective for you.
  5. Medical Plan Comparison Tool: 在参加医疗计划之前,我们强烈建议使用医疗计划比较 工具,以确保您选择最适合您的需求的计划. 访问 mpv.wolaipei.com/jagopenenrollment 在开放注册期间(10月14日至25日)使用比较工具. 这个工具 会问一些十大彩票网投平台你和你家人的医疗和药房使用情况的问题, as well as any upcoming medical procedures. Based on your answers, it will recommend the most suitable plan for you and your family. 
▼   Important things to Remember:


更多信息将从7月开始通过开放注册提供帮助 you make the best choice for you and your family.




Open Enrollment Is October 14 To October 25!

Scan QR code to learn more!
